A Word from Chuck: The Horror of Old Perimeters

Jul 28, 2015 | Equipment Maintenance Tips, Ophthalmic Devices and Equipment

There will never be a shortage of glaucoma cases. But what will prevent you from treating them is an oldy-moldy perimeter that barely functions, frustrates your patients, and wastes your time.

Before I dive into why you should consider Haag-Streit’s Octopus perimeter, I want to tell you about a recent installation in New Jersey.

The team had used the same machine for 25 years. It took three flips of the switch – with just the right amount of oomph – to turn on. The CRT monitor had severe burn-in and dimming. And coupled with a lengthy set-up time and re-dos caused by fixation loss, visual field tests took up to 30 minutes for some patients.

Worst of all? In long-term glaucoma cases, the doctor had to comb through folders filled with ¾ inch stacks of paper print outs to compare tests and analyze progression.

With Octopus, the days of “ugh, not this machine” are behind the practice.

Octopus stretches your productivity

Octopus is no alien technology, but it is the most advanced perimeter on the market. Here are some of the key advantages it offers over ancient devices:

  • Access data in real time. No fumbling through paper print outs. With EyeSuite software, Octopus puts images and accurate reports on any monitor on your network (EMR integration).
  • Full threshold in 2.5 minutes. With no fixation loss and quick visual field analysis, you’ll see more patients per hour and boost your bottom line.
  • Tech friendly. Your technicians will be certified Octopus experts in 15 minutes flat, and you’ll be free to consult on the most complicated cases.
  • Use your old perimeter to help pay for it. We’ll take your existing perimeter off your hands for a trade-in.

Of course, there’s more to Octopus, and you’ll find it all on our Octopus product page. Unsure about whether it’s right for your practice? Schedule a demo. We’d be happy to bring one to your office. 1-800-255-5929.
